Biod caravan windows

Fahrzeugbau Tiefenhagen (Fathi) started producing caravans in 1959.

In 1960 Fathi is taken over by the wood processing industry Schneider from Lindau. In that year, BIOD (Better is our goal) machine and equipment factory in Hengelo starts assembling caravans under license from Fathi. The plastic panels come from Germany. In 1964 production was transferred to JEKO in Oldenzaal, which outsourced the manufacture of furniture and woodwork to social workshop De Schakel, which took over the entire production in 1969: Biod-Fathi Caravanfabriek NV-Oldenzaal.

When Schneider stops production in 1969, BIOD caravans are exported to Germany and sold under the Fathi name. The molds and bowls come from Schneider to BIOD that year. In 1980, Avento becomes the main dealer and responsible for sales; new models are developed with influences and interior from Avento. The peak year is 1981 with almost 200 units. In 1994 the collaboration with Avento ends and De Schakel takes everything under its own management again.

At the beginning of this century, a floor plate was placed on the Peitz undercarriage, after which the whole was sent to Van der Ham in Bladel, where the polyester hull was manufactured, after which the “empty” caravan was returned to Oldenzaal for completion. As of November 1, D&D Management en Beheer BV in Lunteren will take over production after TopCraft (formerly De Schakel) announced in April that it would stop production. Production in 2005 is about 25 units; Due to start-up problems, the demand cannot be met, every caravan produced is sold immediately. Advanced Composite Caravans Group BV (ACC) was founded in 2004 to bring a new caravan concept to the market.

Bottlenecks in the field of good staffing and a cost-efficient way of outsourcing hinder the fulfillment of the preconditions, leaving no other option in September 2007 than to immediately cease the activities. In December 2007, a restart under director Huub van Elswijk followed in a new business space in Ede, where sales take place directly from the factory. ACC Biod is the trademark of Holland Euro-Pacific Industrial Suppliers BV from Lunteren. The caravans are further decorated and furnished on the basis of three models according to the wishes of the customer and produced exclusively to order.

Ordering caravanwindow for Biod
Does your Biod caravan need new caravan windows? Please contact Willemsen Caravans. We are happy to help you with the purchase and installation of the new window. You can contact us via the contact page or by filling in the quotation form on the website. On this quotation form you need to describe your window in detail so that we can find the right window for your Biod caravan.


Willemsen Caravan & Camper Parts B.V.

Zilverstraat 101-105
2718 RP Zoetermeer 
The Netherlands
Phone : +31 15-3695775 (Option 1)
IBAN: NL53 RABO 0307 2959 74
VAT nr: NL858666686B01
Registration number 71316388